You might remember Douglas Murray. He describes himself as a British author and journalist, who previously absolutely (metaphorically) murdered presidential candidate (*snicker*) Cenk Uygur on his own show. Uygur later claimed that he hadn’t been owned by Murray, even though he totally was.
And well, Murray has ‘killed’ again. We are not sure if that technically makes him a serial killer, but well … it is pretty glorious to watch, regardless:
Douglas Murray obliterates biased journalist by refusing to let her get away with telling lies. For his brilliant defense of moral clarity, logic and decency over the mad barbarism of Hamas and their apologists in the West, I nominate @douglaskmurray for the Nobel Peace Prize.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) March 22, 2024
If you want to watch a longer version of this interview, you can watch this from Douglas Murray’s YouTube channel:
We will note that most of the rest of the interview is much less contentious. The discussion from there is consumed with discussing South Africa (with little insight) and discussing American politics. We didn’t find it overly interesting although we agree with his assessment that illegal immigration is likely to be a huge issue in the upcoming election.
A reasonable person might also ask who this ‘Journalist’ is who is interviewing him. We have to credit fellow Twitchy freelancer ‘Grateful Calvin‘ for helping us to identify her as Jane Dutton. Ms. Dutton describes herself on The Social Media Site Formerly Known As Twitter (‘TSMSFKA Twitter’) as ‘@EWN, Anchor @AJEnglish, @CNNI, @eNCA. Moderator, Voice Artist, MC.’
And indeed, Al Jazeera describes her as follows: ‘Jane Dutton is a Senior News Presenter with extensive experience of international news, both in-studio and on location.’
That puts her falsehood and blindspots about Israel into perspective. The TSMSFKA Twitter account ‘Visegrád 24’ describes her as ignorant …
Video of the day@DouglasKMurray chews up and spurs out an uninformed journalist who has a lot of opinions about Israel and Gaza but doesn’t know that Gaza has a border with Egypt.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) March 21, 2024
9 minutes of bulldozing by Douglas Murray
… but she isn’t. For instance, she knows Gaza shares borders with both Israel and Egypt. So, this isn’t ignorance. This is blatant antisemitism. Egypt treats Gazans worse than Israel, but (what a coincidence!) the country full of Joooooos gets all the blame. But then again, antisemitism is seems like a job qualification at Al Jazeera.
Honestly, we don’t know how Mr. Murray was so polite with her, with her interruptions and bigotry, but we think on balance, it’s probably good that he was so polite, so he could continue obliterating her.
Jane Dutton is former CNN and Al Jazeera. She’s used to parroting falsehoods without being challenged.
— Acclaimed Journalist (@Jonathan_Witt) March 22, 2024
It’s important to note that EWN is one of the largest newsrooms in South Africa, and that it constantly peddles propaganda to the public.
It is absolutely perfect example how to stand up against toxic manipulation techniques (that our enemies use) :
— lelemSLP (@lelemSLP) March 22, 2024
What a giant fail for this woman. She couldn’t even think of Egypt.
— Katherine van K (@kattitfortat) March 22, 2024
Seriously, no, she knew about Egypt, but that country isn’t full of Jooooos, so it is inconvenient to mention them.
(FYI, if you didn’t know, ‘Joooooos’ (the number of o’s varies) is this author’s mocking way of depicting how an antisemite discusses Jews. We were pretty sure you got that, but in case there was any confusion on this topic, there you go. We got this from Frank Fleming.)
Brilliant and well done @DouglasKMurray . Total and complete domination - almost felt sorry for the interviewer.
— Khush Dadyburjor (@KhushDadyburjor) March 22, 2024
Well i did say “almost”
Thank you @DouglasKMurray for not letting her off the hook and allow her to substitute her "facts" for her opinions. Bonus points for grace under fire and never losing your cool. I wish every journalist woild be even remotely as forthcoming as you were.
— Michael Gartenberg ✡️🇮🇱🎗️ (@Gartenberg) March 22, 2024
His demeanor in the face of her ignorance & rudeness pretty remarkable.
— Moses Kagan (@moseskagan) March 22, 2024
I would have lost it, for sure.
Not sure who this smug b*tch is, but she gets wrecked.
— JWF (@JammieWF) March 23, 2024
Well, if you read Twitchy you will find these sorts of things out.
Second the motion.
— Barbara Kay (@BarbaraRKay) March 22, 2024
Honestly, the Nobel Peace Prize types value temporary peace over the long term. They are the kinds of people who would have clapped when Neville Chamberlain declared that there was peace in our time, when a person with a harder line toward Hitler et. al. could have either averted World War II entirely, or made it a much smaller, and less horrifying war.
And we are not sure giving killer interviews counts as peacemaking, anyway—though it makes more sense than giving Al Gore the peace prize.
This is an awesome video of Douglas Murray just obliterating Jane Dutton as she tries to spread so many lies about Israel and the conflict with the Palestinians. He calls her out so well - I'm in awe of his self-control with her blatant and outrageous lies.
— For Zion’s Sake! #JusticeforMalkiRoth Ⓥ 🇮🇱✡️🇺🇦 (@idubrawsky) March 22, 2024
The dragging of Dutton even went multilingual:
Es sorprendente ver cómo Douglas Murray mantiene la compostura ante esta periodista, perdón, activista, absolutamente ignorante y ridícula.
— Acción y Comunicación sobre Oriente Medio - ACOM (@ACOM_es) March 21, 2024
According to Google Translate, this person said (in Spanish):
It is surprising to see how Douglas Murray maintains his composure in front of this journalist, sorry, activist, absolutely ignorant and ridiculous.
Very often translated insults are at least 50% funnier in the translation.
"Lets move on..." meaning "you're challenging my one sided anti Semitic narrative & agenda and I haven't got an adequate reply...".
— Gracie 2 Good 2 Be Forgotten (@gracie2good) March 21, 2024
This is what happens when you get your speaking points from the Hamas funded @MYANC government. @janedutton is a pathetic excuse for a journalist.
— Tamar CPT (@tamar_cpt) March 22, 2024
Murray’s debate style is so fantastically brilliant I had to start following him today, for the third time. For the third time, I’m sure of it… in fact I’m sure I clicked follow just a few days ago. And at least one time a few months ago. X is up to Twitter tricks again.
— AnnaZ (@AnnaZ) March 22, 2024
Yeah, something seems to cause unfollows on TSMSFKA Twitter. They seem random to us, but we are suspicious.
Douglas Murray is trending because he. is. epic.
— Jen ~ #IstandwithIsrael 💯 🎗️ (@JENin140) March 22, 2024
The brilliance of @DouglasKMurray is his ability to catch the dishonesty, bias, and logical fallacies of those he is being interviewed by as well as those he is debating.
— David Jacobs (@DrJacobsRad) March 22, 2024
An equal gift is his strength to stand up to these pseudointellectual bullies.
The imbecilic interviewer is Jane Dutton. She used to work for Al Jazeera. Explains it all.
— laprisamata 🌷 (@laprisamata) March 22, 2024
It appears that she still works for them, but we digress.
The smarminess and bemusement of this “journalist”, when trying to deflect @DouglasKMurray from untrue “facts” as she knows them regarding #Gaza, #Israel, #Egypt, brings to mind that old knife/gunfight saying. And her knife is soooo dull.
— Marilynne Friedman (@marilynnefriedm) March 21, 2024
We are pretty sure that saying is from The Untouchables and it goes ‘No knifey-gunny!’ Or something like that. Our memory is a little fuzzy.
More multilingual commentary:
Hvis du holder deg informert om Gaza ved å lese nyhetene, så gir denne videoen en god pekepinn på hvor godt informert du faktisk blir.
— Lektor Thaulow (@LektorThaulow) March 22, 2024
Alleged translation from Norwegian:
If you stay informed about Gaza by reading the news, then this video gives a good indication of how well informed you actually are.
He went on to say:
A moose once bit my sister...
No realli! She was Karving her initials on the moose with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge—her brother-in-law— an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian movies: ‘The Hot Hands of an Oslo Dentist’, ‘Fillings of Passion’, ‘The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink’.
(Okay, he didn’t say that, but we couldn’t resist.)
"Hamas recently said that they would be happy to live next to Jews but they want a two-state solution". Oh my god, does this woman even believe what she's saying or does she have no clue what she's talking about? If you believe that, that speaks volumes about your intellect.
— Kristina Yordanova (@yordanova_k) March 22, 2024
It has come to the point that the only reason it is worth talking to a mainstream journalist is to try and reach a few of the misinformed souls for whom this is their only news source; otherwise it seems a waste of time and energy.
— JackRamble (@Ramble_Jack) March 22, 2024
There’s a lot of truth in that.
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